Music Ensembles
Music and Music Education
Choral Ensembles

亚洲博彩平台排名's choral ensembles – University Chorus, Madrigals Chorus, Mixtapes (coed a cappella) and Pitches with Attitude (women's a cappella) – offer students opportunities to develop their vocal and musical skills through the performance of repertoire in a variety of musical styles.
Performances run the gamut from formal concerts in Ochre Court with soloists and orchestras to informal performances at events sponsored by the Salve Music Ensembles Club. Opportunities to sing solo and in small groups at selected concerts are available to members by audition.
Students may register for the vocal ensembles for credit or get involved as an extracurricular activity by becoming a member of the Salve Music Ensembles Club. An audition is required for all ensembles except University Chorus, which is open to all members of the campus community without audition.
Opportunities to travel with the choral ensembles are available. Previous concert tours have included trips to Ireland, Italy, Montreal, Quebec City, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
Instrumental Ensembles

The Newport County Orchestra explores standard repertoire for symphony orchestra. The orchestra performs at the Casino Theatre, in Ochre Court and throughout the Newport community. Students may register for credit. Rehearsals are held from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays in Ochre Court.
The Newport Community Symphonic Band’s repertoire consists of a variety of academic, pop and classic band music. The band performs at the Casino Theatre, in Ochre Court and throughout the Newport area. Membership includes Salve students, advanced high school students and community members. Students may register for the band for credit. Rehearsals are held from 7-9 p.m. Mondays in Ochre Court.
The jazz ensemble explores the repertoire in a big-band setting. Repertoire includes swing, funk, modern jazz, fusion and rock. Students may register for the ensemble for credit. Rehearsals are held from 8-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays in Wakehurst.
The percussion ensemble explores the range of literature written for ensembles featuring percussion instruments. Students may register for the ensemble for credit.
Other ensembles, based on student availability, include a string quartet, jazz combo and woodwind ensemble. Various mixed ensembles can be considered, depending on student and faculty availability.